Amazon Call
Amazons, Amazons, rally to the call!
Fight on for justice, sisters all,
Standing united we will never fall,
Amazons rally to the call!
When Athens is fighting from evil to be free
There at the front lines the Amazons will be,
Lead forward into battle by Queen Tkeeri!
Fighting valiantly we will gain the victory!
Amazons, Amazons, rally to the call!
Fight on for justice, sisters all,
Standing united we will never fall,
Amazons rally to the call!
Our enemies quake with dread and fear
When they learn that the Amazons are near.
And If they hold their lives to be dear,
They won't be around when we appear.
Amazons, Amazons, rally to the call!
Fight on for justice, sisters all,
Standing united we will never fall,
Amazons rally to the call!
When one of our sisters is threatened
On the other Amazons she can depend.
At her side, to the death, we will defend
Standing with her until her trouble does end.
Amazons, Amazons, rally to the call!
Fight on for justice, sisters all,
Standing united we will never fall,
Amazons rally to the call!
What would the world be without Aphrodite?
No love to share, no-one to care
Life wouldn't be worth living
Everyone taking and no-one giving.
She can change war to peace
Make anger and hatred cease.
With a smile on her lips and a flip of her hair
Even the hardest of hearts learns to care.
The perfect woman in form and grace
A model we mortals can't hope to emulate.
She gives us the greatest gift of all
For love is at her beck and call.
Not even a god is immune to her spell
At her slightest whim kingdoms fell.
From mighty to insignificant she gives equally to all.
Her influence is felt whether great or small.
The Fishing Hole
I found myself a nice long stick,
Carved myself a pole.
I foraged some bait from outside the gate,
Now where in Athens is the fishing hole?
Where, oh where, is that fishing hole?
Why is it so hard to find?
I've searched and searched and wandered so,
It's driving me out of my mind!
I bought some nice sturdy line
and a hook to tie on it.
I have a stringer and a tackle box.
Now where in Athens is the fishing pit?
Where, oh where, is that fishing hole?
Why is it so hard to find?
I've searched and searched and wandered so,
It's driving me out of my mind!
I tied the line and hook on my pole,
found leaf worms by the case.
I've wandered up and down the streets,
Now where in Athens is the fishing place?
Where, oh where, is that fishing hole?
Why is it so hard to find?
I've searched and searched and wandered so,
It's driving me out of my mind!
I wandered down to Peiraic Gate
Thought it was worth a shot.
I asked Pickoer where it was
and he showed me to the fishing spot.
There, oh there, is that fishing hole!
Why was it so hard to find?
I searched and searched and wandered so,
It drove me out of my mind!
Now how do I get out of here?
The Near-Sighted Frog.
There once was a frog, blind as a bat,
He couldn't even see where his feet were at.
Down near the gate is where he sat,
His one goal in life was to become nice and fat.
He sat there one day, snoozing a bit,
His tummy was rumbling and giving him a fit.
He saw something wiggle out the corner of his eye,
And thought, "That's a worm! My, oh my!"
That near-sighted frog couldn't see what it was,
Stuck out his tongue and got a mouth full of fuzz.
He coughed and sputtered and turned kind of pale,
'Cause what he'd chomped onto was an old cat's tail.
Sloth Bear Hug
I was strolling through the countryside
when I beheld the cutest sight.
Two cuddly looking sloth bears.
I stopped to watch them with delight.
They nipped and wrestled each other
nuzzling and snuggling close.
They looked so sweet and loving
that never did I suppose...
Don't get hugged by a sloth bear.
They aren't hugging you because they care.
If you get hugged by a sloth bear
you just might find yourself down there. (point down)
Soon they noticed me standing
watching them in their play.
When they walked over toward me
I thought they wanted me to stay.
One rose up, arms open wide.
It looked so soft and cute!
It wanted to give me a hug, I thought.
I didn't know it was such a brute!
Don't get hugged by a sloth bear.
They aren't hugging you because they care.
If you get hugged by a sloth bear
you just might find yourself down there. (point down)
I found myself lying flat on my back
unable to move and gasping for air.
That sloth bear wasn't so cuddly or cute!
I changed my opinion then and there.
I didn't lie there long at all.
What happened next wasn't too nice,
I woke up dead in Hades domain,
So if you're smart you'll heed my advice...
Don't get hugged by a sloth bear.
They aren't hugging you because they care.
If you get hugged by a sloth bear
you just might find yourself down there.
(point down)
Farewell to dreams
Once I believed in love so true,
I met a man I thought believed it, too.
He promised me he'd always stay
Right by my side 'til our dying day.
We did everything together.
I knew we'd be a couple forever.
I gave this man my heart and soul
Knowing he'd never play me for a fool.
We took vows as man and wife
Promising to love each other through out life.
In my little world I was so sure
We had a love that would always endure.
Then came the day when she walked past.
I was unconcerned, our love would last.
That's when came the cruel blow!
With her did my *dear* husband go.
In a matter of moments my beliefs all died.
To resist her advances, he hadn't even tried.
He threw out our marriage as if it never was,
Going off with her - not even a pause.
Now never will I believe again
The promises of fickle men!
What they think you want to hear they say
Then another comes along and they're on their way.
Amazon Ode
Is an Amazon ever truly gone
When they fall?
No, their spirit continues on
In the memory of us all!
Their voices whisper in the wind,
Telling us to be as brave as they were.
It murmers gently in the brook,
Reminding us who we are.
Their faces forever stay
In our minds so clear,
Never dimming with age or time,
Always beloved and dear.
Their brave deeds they did
We remember of our sisters best.
To honor and respect them,
Should we do any less?
We remember their voices,
Their faces and their deeds.
An Amazon's body may die,
But they never truly leave.
Bing, Bing, Bing! Call my number, please!
All I need is a pair of threes.
I'll yell, "Eureka!" if you will call,
A thirty-three on the next ball.
Bing, Bing, Bing! Why'd you call that one?
Seventeen? That's off by a ton!
I see Gertrude making a mark,
And in her eyes there's a bright spark!
Bing, Bing, Bing! A thirty-four!?
Velma just let out a roar!
She sure can dance, despite being old,
When she gets her numbers called!
Bing, Bing, Bing! You're wonderful!
Calling my number was magical!
Yelling, "Eureka" felt so good!
But splitting three ways kind of broke that mood.
There was a mighty warrior,
A braggart to the core.
He told all his friends one day,
That he'd never died before.
"Never will I die," he said,
"For I am just too strong!"
Well, the gods they heard him,
And decided to prove him wrong.
That warrior soon afterwards,
To sloth bears he did wander.
He met with Hades right away,
And returned with quite an odor.
Next time he went hunting,
For some boars he did try.
But when he returned,
Those bugs he couldn't deny.
With linx and mermels he fought next,
By now no one was surprised,
The unsightly warts he then recieved,
Made it hard to socialize.
Now that warrior his lesson learned,
He brags and boasts no more.
Those curses disappeared with time,
But he's still humble from head to floor.
When I was a child I believed in all the fairy tales my mother told
About how the heroine would find a love that would never grow cold.
I dreamed of the day my true love would arrive,
And how I would go off with him as his bride.
As a teen I learned a lesson I've never forgot,
Although gentle and kind, a beauty I was not.
While the other girls dated and had suitors by the score,
I sat home and dreamed of a wonderful man that I could adore.
By the time I became a woman my friends had all married,
Their lives filled with children, with me they never tarried.
Still I dreamed of the hero my heart longed for,
but he never walked through my front door.
Eating by myself, alone in my middle years,
Some nights the loneliness would drive me to tears.
I still prayed to the gods for a love to come my way,
"A spinster," I'd overheard someone call me one day.
Now on my death bed I lay, my eyes growing dim
Never did I find my soul-mate, that special him
The one thing in life I desired the most,
To me forever, eternally lost.
Through shifting strands of time I see,
Traces of eternity:
Today, tomorrow, yesterday,
All interwoven masterfully.
Our lives are like a tapestry,
Woven with ultimate artistry.
I thought our two threads would forever be
Joined in perfect harmony.
I felt that we would always be,
My thread with you and your's with me.
Then one day I looked to see
Your thread gone from my life's tapestry.
The colors now are dark and grey
Without your thread thats how they stay.
No brightness here, it's gone away,
When you left my life that fateful day.
Theratikos, Theratikos
Theratikos, Theratikos
stingy old task-master.
Makes us do delivery work
but only he grows fatter.
Theratikos, Theratikos
you are such a snob.
We sweat and toil for you all day
Then you won't give us a job.
Theratikos, Theratikos
you must think it is funny
You make us do runs all day
but we don't earn much money.
Theratikos, Theratikos
mean from head down to your feet
...What you have a job for me?
Theratikos, you're sweet!